Make the learning accessible to people who face difficulties by making the content understandable and by favouring interactions.

Our office proposes educational solutions to difficulties and learning troubles according to special educational methods and remedial processes.

Study or broaden your knowledge of the French language
Mastering one of the official languages of the country that is welcoming you is essential and finds its place in my work especially:
To monitor the chidren's scholarship and to communicate with educational teams
To make the administrative formalities simpler
And particularly to integrate yourself socially and professionally
Teach, train and educate by keeping in mind the realities of social and economic dimensions in order to propose future generations a diploma according to job perspectives.
Favour social and professional integration of non-French speakers by proposing training in Français Langue Etrangère (French as a Foreign Language).
Special education is the field of study and educational intervention towards children, teenagers or adults facing learning difficulties. The special needs teacher prevents, estimates and corrects using methods and processes with the aim of developing potential. This discipline is widespread in French speaking countries such as Quebec in Canada, but also in Belgium.
These troubles are often the result of previous difficulties that are lasting and are coupled with other difficulties.