The importance of reading

The special needs teacher intervenes mainly in the mastery of basic learning.
- Reading
- Writing and
- Mathematics
But he grants a special importance to READING.
Reading represents the CRUCIAL BASE on which scholarship rests upon.
Reading is requested in most of the academic subjects.
If reading is not correctly acquired, it constitutes a hindrance in future knowledge assimilation.
Later on, if no re-educational steps have been taken, those difficulties will have an effect on social and professional interactions.
Cognitive neurosciences of reading
The brain's knowledge does not allow us to teach one single method to read
However they permit us to ask several questions that help to understand the mechanisms used in the young readers' brain.
What are the Laws of Thought?
Class dynamics - intellectual dynamics
Attention and memory principles
Offering relevant games to the children to extend the classroom work.
What are the most important discoveries of the young child's brain?
What are the brain circuits that are evolving during learning?
What are the differences between a good and a less good reader?
How to maximise the child's commitment, attention and pleasure?